CDs & IRAs
Certificates of Deposit (CD)
Whether you're saving for a big trip you have planned next year, preparing to send your kids to college several years from now, or simply trying to get the most bang for your buck, investing in CDs are a great way to save for the future!
- Fixed Rate & Terms - your rate is locked in for the entire term, so no need to worry about rate decreases. We offer a variety of terms from as little as 90 days up to 78 months.
- Higher Interest Rates - interest rates are typically much higher than checking and savings, and the longer you choose to invest, the higher the interest rate.
- Safe - your investment is safe because it is FDIC insured.
- No Fees - there are no fees associated with our CDs, unless you choose to withdrawal funds prior to maturity.
Other Details
- $1,000 minimum to open
- Interest can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Customers can opt to receive their interest by check, transferred to another account, or added back on the CD.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
Traditional ◊ Roth ◊ SEP ◊ Simple ◊ Education
An excellent way to save for retirement! Whether you just recently graduated college, started a new family, or became empty-nesters, it's never too late to start saving for retirement. Our IRAs offer many of the same benefits as our Certificates of Deposits, but with IRA's, there are often tax benefits as well.
Other Details
- $500 minimum deposit to open IRA CD
- $100 minimum to open IRA passbook
- Contribution limits apply
If you are thinking about transferring funds out of the stock market into something more secure, recently retired and want to rollover your 401(K), or simply looking for a better rate, Greenville National Bank can also assist you with IRA Transfers, Rollovers and Direct Rollovers from other IRAs or qualified plans.
IRA accounts are separately FDIC insured up to $250,000.